Page 10

New York


10.4.01 Up at dawn and out again ... into the rat race. I have not gotten used to the trains and I don't like them too much. I prefer to hide in Jenns bag. She sleeps most of the ride. I really don't know how she can but the noises and people do not bother her. Only a few more days left of my adventures here then its off to some place new. I'm a bit sad that I will be leaving as I missed seeing sooo much here. I hope some one else from NYC wants to host me.


 Times Square at noon! So many cars and taxis and people. Look at all those billboards I have never seen so many in one spot. They are large and colorful and some even have words that move. Its hypnotic. As I was being hypnotized by the signs Jenn flew into a fitful rage of laughter as we passed a man holding a guitar wearing cowboy boots a cowboy hat and BRIEFS! Nothing more! He was yodellin' some song and had his behind painted with the words, 'NAKED COWBOY" Jenn and I were hysterical in laughter and before we could think of taking a photo .... he was gone! Briefs and all! Only in New York. I'm still regret not snapping that photo.

10.5.01 Jenn woke with a cold. It wasn't too bad but it was annoying enough for her to bag the whole idea of going into work. (Yeah! ) I was very very pleased as I am really worn down from all this walking and train riding here in NYC and I was curious to see what "playing hookey" was like. So today we played hookey and decided to finally go to Coney Island. 

The day was absolutely gorgeous! It was so hot that I couldn't wait to get near the water. First though we had to pass the famous Cyclone roller coaster. Astroland was unfortunately shut down in remembrance of the World Trade Center tragedy.   

I was glad too as Jenn LOVES coasters and I am almost afraid to ask but I bet I was going on that coaster whether I wanted to or not. (phew the first drop is world famous even if it is old ... its just old and spooky.)

The boardwalk was fun. There are games to play and all types of foods to eat. Jenn had what she called a "dirty waterdog" or hot dog. She said it was the "watta" that made it taste good. Hmm .... NYers really love their water! Jenn took me to see a historical monument right near the boardwalk. It is called the Parachute jump and years ago people would ride in something that looked like a parachute and it was a freefall that would drop them to the ground. Wow! Its really high. At one point in time this area was the most famous area on the East coast. People came from all over the world to see Coney Island and ride that parachute jump. I'm glad I got to see it. 

A trip to Coney Island wouldn't be complete without a walk on the beach. I rolled in the sand and chased some seagulls, I looked over the horizon and Jenn told me that over that horizon lay Europe. My mind started to wander about my next host. It was the first time since arriving in NY that I thought about leaving and I wondered where my adventures would take me next.


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