Page 18

New Mexico


We kept running right on through Atlanta, Georgia where I was very happy to stay in the hotel and relax while my host attended the International Builders Show. Here are a few souvenirs she picked up for me at the show.

The Kohler company featured a beautiful Morgan Stallion, Serenity Grand Master, on their advertising handouts, printed with the motto..." The only toilets with horsepower."

On the way home, we got selected for the dreaded "Random Security Check". After an in depth search of all carry-ons, along with the inevitable and disconcerting "pat down" (it's the Little-Old-Lady-Terrorist thing again!!) I get frisked by professional security guard Tommie Ford (she checks to make sure I don't have any bombs in my boots). 

Tommie is very sweet, and wanted to know all about me and my travels. She even wants to go to Breyerfest so she can see me again!! We chatted about model horses for so long, one of the flight attendants had to come and get us because the plane was going to take off without its First Class Passengers!!

As we fly into the sunset, I wave goodbye to all the little people and I realize we are all First Class on Southwest.


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