Page 7

New York


10.1.01 Guess what? Its raining again today! Jenn's plans to take me into the city fell through. A part of me was happy as that story that A leeah told was very scary. I'm a little frightened to go into Manhattan, but as an adventurer I must face dangers and the unknown. Know what else? I have a twin here! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him. I spent the day with the horses again telling stories and playing games and out walks my twin! He is the some color as me and has the same kind of bushy tail. His name is Baron. No one makes fun of him or laughs at him. The horses respect him. When he walks everything seems to shake. He doesn't seem to mind. "Boom, boom boom" his hoofs hit the ground and everyone looks alert. I just had to have my picture taken with him!         

The rain finally stopped right before the sunset. Kiko and I went out to the rooftop terrace and watched the clouds sift through the most beautiful orange and blue skyline. It was one of the prettiest sunsets I have seen. Well, if it stays as nice out .... I'll be headed for Manhattan with Jenn tomorrow. Yikes! 

10.2.01 1 awoke to the blaring sound of a news report on the alarm clock. Such a jarring sound. yet such a perfect way to begin my first trip ever (eva) into Manhattan! Within seconds I was ready to start my adventures. Jenn gently placed me in her bag and left the zipper open so I could pop my head out to see where I was going and what was going on.

 We waited on a outdoor platform for a short while. Then out of no where cameo huge silver train barreling down the track. IT was so big and so long and so loud! It made all types of screeching sounds as it come to a stop. It hurt my ears terribly. The doors opened; "bingbong" and I was on my first train ride going into Manhattan! There were so many people. All different types of people. At one point I thought we would get squashed with the amount of people that came into that train car! I was thankful that we were able to get a seat. There were so many people jamming in that the doors couldnt close and the train announcer kept yelling, "stand away from the doors!" over and over. It made me very nervous to hear the announcement and I looked up at Jenn to see if she was as nervous as I. She was sleeping!

 When the train came to our stop we left in a hurry with the rest of the crowd. It was a complete stampede! Just a sea of people in this dimly lit tunnel. Trains come screaching by both ways. I wanted to take a picture so badly but we were moving so fast with the crowd that I just didnt have a chance to pull out my camera. People were pushing us and the bag I was in, it was so uncomfortable. Jenn could feel me getting nervous and reassured me that we would be outside soon, away from the crowds.  


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