Page 34

Texas to Kentucky!!



I made it back home. Mom was very happy to see me. She told me that she had a surprise for me. I was going to Kentucky for Breyerfest! She showed me the display she had made for me to show off my souvenirs and all the places I had been. There was even a rotating table so I could turn all around and show off the signatures I had collected. WOW! I was so excited.

The next few days were spent packing and deciding what to take and what to leave. Lots of stuff got packed and unpacked then packed again. I think Mom was as excited as me. Once she even lost the tickets and buttons for Breyerfest. She was in such a panic! She was running all around the house looking for some little brown padded envelope. I remembered that it was one of the first things she had packed and told her I thought it was in her clothes bag. She was almost in tears when she found it.


Today we finally left for Kentucky. Mom, Dad and Andrea, who was a friend, all piled into the truck. I got scared when I noticed that the truck was dragging something along. Andrea told me that we were taking the horse trailer to pick up a horse on the way back. It was an older thoroughbred mare that needed someone help. I was interested from the word mare!

Dad drove the truck for hours only stopping for necessities. We arrived in Mississippi late in the night and stayed at Mom’s mothers house. I guess she would be my Grandma? We left the horse trailer there and continued on in the morning. We made better time now that we weren’t dragging the big horse trailer.

It rained all the way. I couldn’t get out and take pictures of anything. We stopped in Nashville for the night because Dad was getting really tired of driving that truck. I don’t blame him! Andrea kept me company as we listened to a book on tape. It was one of moms favorite authors, Anne McCaffrey. I liked listening. It helped pass the time and the story was really good.  


The next morning we started on the final leg of the trip. Andrea was as excited as I was, this would be her first Breyerfest and Lexington was now just hours away! We arrived in Lexington around noon. It was a very pretty town. We went strait to the Holiday Inn North and started to unpack. It was strange. Even as we were unpacking our stuff and setting up the room people would just come in. Mom said that is what people do here. I wanted to hurry up and go the Breyerfest but Mom said that it didn’t start till the morning. I would have to wait. 

We unpacked and started to decorate the room. Andrea really had a blast papering the door and putting up the Christmas lights. I arranged my display table and watched all the activity. Dad was busy on the computer setting up a temporary Internet account.  

Later we left the room and “hit the halls”. Andrea had never seen anything like it and was thrilled by all the different things available right out of peoples rooms!        


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