

Well, as Mom told you I was off to Indiana. Boy I'm sure Mom thought I was going to be in Indiana forever!

My new host lives in Spencer, Indiana. Also known as Sweet Owen County. My new host and her husband have two teenage boys Cody and Chase. And lots of fur babies: five dogs, five horses and four goats.

Annie, a boxer, who lives in the house, Killer a Jack Russell Terrier who used to live in the house, Holly a German Shorthair, and Lucky and Fred Beagles.

Whimpy, Chico, Zipper, Chopper and Captain, all Quarter Horses.

Bill is a detective and Tami is a salesman and office manager at a brokerage firm. I go to go to work with Tami. The stock market sure has been bad; Tami's boss says you have to go back to the 1930's to find a worse quarter. I don't think he means quarters as in change either.


Tami's mom and sister were with her in Kentucky. Her mom was the one who really wanted to win me, so Tami let her take me and, Oh what fun we had! Linda works for the Post Office. She is a rural carrier for Route 5. She has 55 miles of route and 570 boxes. So for a little while it was quite cramped in her car. Linda took me to the Indiana State Fair. Wow it was neat! Linda and her granddaughters showed sheep. They won a few ribbons but I won a Champion ribbon. Linda said it was for the Best Miniature! I think she pulled some strings to make me feel good. It worked! I feel very studly.

The she took me to the Lee Greenwood Concert. His "God Bless America" tour. It truly is a God Blessed America isn't it? You can't live in this country , especially over the last year, and not feel it.

She brought me back to my host all tuckered out. Later I got to go camping and trail riding with Tami, Bill and the boys. We had such a great time. I'm sure glad I got to ride and not be the one who was ridden.

My time in Indiana was very fun and now I'm off to California.


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