Page 6

New York



I woke to the familiar pitter patter of RAIN! Its raining here! It rained all day long. Everything looks so grey here when it rains. It is rather depressing. My host could see that I was feeling very much like the weather and that I was disappointed our plans had changed. So we went to the stables together and upon informing all the horses that I would be here for the entire day, everyone cheered. Apparently they were upset that I was being whisked away to adventures unknown and not staying with them to tell stories and have fun. 

Despite the weather we all made the best of it. Everyone took turns telling stories and playing running games. There are some really old and well loved horses here. Some that arrived in the year 1981! That's old! They proudly show their play scars and tell the stories of how they got them. One horse named Hano told us of how he often rode with his owner in the woods. They would stop and eat wild gross and blackberries along the way for breakfast. Sometimes they would even see wild animals like deer and fox. I was a bit confused as I don't remember seeing any woods when I arrived in Brooklyn but he told me that they didn't always live in Brooklyn.

 They wanted to hear more of my stories but I really only had two to tell. Stories of home and stories about Paris Texas. They all reassured me that once Jenn took me into Manhattan I would have a ton of stories to tell. Apparently Jenn takes her smaller horses into work all the time. I asked them why she would take them into work with her if they were not visitors looking f or adventures. They said that they helped make her day go by faster. The horses who traveled with her had stories about the subways and crowds and buildings. I listened with such fascination. Most of the stories were fun and exciting but one story frightened me. A young mare by the name of Aleech was with Jenn the day two tallest buildings in Manhattan came down. She said that there were crowds of people everywhere and everyone was crying. There were fighter planes f lying over the buildings in Manhattan. Smoke from the burning buildings was everywhere and it smelled awful. she was very scared and hasn't gone into the city with Jenn since then. 

Well, after that story we all needed to get our mind off things so Jenn decided to draw for us in my journal. She is also an illustrator! I love watching her draw. 


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