Page 31



Morning came and I felt much more like myself. My host arranged for me to take a helicopter ride up to a glacier for a tour. He couldn’t come with me but did arrange for a Erica, nice lady from the Tour company, to escort me around. She was very friendly and I think she really enjoyed giving me “the grand tour” even though she is not a “model horse person”.

If I thought I was cold before it was nothing compared to the glacier. At first it looked like a huge white lake from the air but Erica told me it was ice, all ice as far as you could see. When we landed I noticed there was a covering of snow on top and I finally got to see snow. 

It was neat stuff. I ran around in it and balled some up to make snowballs. They are so much fun to throw. When I was getting a pile of snowballs together I had the feeling I was being watched. My herd instincts kicked in and I was instantly alert.

The watcher turned out to be a beautiful Alaskan Husky. 

She had been watching me from the time I got off the helicopter and was intrigued. She had never seen a horse before. Her name was Molly and she was an employee of the Tour company. There were a lot of Huskies working for the tour company. They were Ididarod dog teams. They work for the tour company in the “off season” pulling tourists around the glacier to keep in shape. They all really enjoyed their jobs.

I told Molly all about my travels. She was genuinely interested in everything. She was also used to traveling and even has her very own traveling box! We had a lot in common and we walked around camp together as she introduced me to all her friends and family.

There were lots of dogs here. They lived on the glacier for months at a time and relied on the helicopter for everything. It brought their food and water and even took their er..... poop, away.  


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