Page 32



Molly proudly showed me the sleds she helped pull. She even let me ride on one. It was neat to see how they all work together to pull the sleds.

Molly had a tour to take out and excused herself as she bounded off to get in her traces. That is what she called the harness she uses to pull the sled. I decided to go the puppy pen and introduce myself. The pups were so eager to hear my stories I found myself the center of attention as I talked about all that I had seen and done. They listened intently and were very polite and attentive.  

It was a long day and when Molly was done she invited me to spend the night. That is when I realized that it really had been a LONG day. I checked the time and was baffled to learn it was 1am! It was still light! I couldn’t understand why it was still light when it should be dark. Molly yipped a little laugh and told me that it did that in Alaska. It stayed light most of the time in the summer and was dark most of the time in the winter. It seemed the most natural thing to her. I still didn’t get it. 


As we were discussing the differences in daylight between regions, Erica came to get me. I had almost forgotten about her! Molly was very disappointed that I couldn’t stay longer. She hung her tail as she said her goodbyes. I would have like to stay longer too but knew I couldn’t. Molly hugged me and wagged her tail wishing me safe journeys.



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