Page 35




     When the room was all decorated and lit up Mom and Andrea started filling out flyers to put up around the hotel. Andrea got carried away and started putting the silliest things on them. Once, when they were filling the fliers out, a couple had come into the room to see what all we had to show. Well, there was this big resin frog on the corner of the table mom had brought. It was really cute and colorful. The guy had left the room before the woman noticed the frog. As she was leaving she kept asking the guy.... “Did you see the frog?” “Did you see the frog?”  Honey. “Did you see the frog?”

     Andrea heard her and made up flier that said..... “Did you see the frog?” That’s all, just   “Did you see the frog?”   Things just got nuttier from there and everyone was having a blast.

 Lots of people came in and looked over my display. 

Most of them had never heard of me and my adventures so Mom or Andrea would tell them about me. Sometimes they got carried away though and told people the silliest things. Some of my previous hosts even came by to say hello. They wanted to visit and see what all I had gotten up to after leaving them. It was nice to see some of my old friends.

The next morning we woke early and got ready to go to the Kentucky horse park. That was where Breyerfest was!! 

We arrived early but still had to wait in line for the gates to open. I waited in line with everyone else.

Yep! That's me right there in the middle!

We finally got to go in. I was finally at Breyerfest! There were so many people.! Not as many as at the stadium but still lots and I was right there among them. WooHoo!!


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