Page 25




     Wow! Opening day was today! I was a little worried about Amanda today. She was swearing a lot more than usual and at one point came up to her cube and hit her head on the wall for a few minutes. Good thing it's cushioned!

     The boys in the office had her laughing in a few minutes though. She took me out into the stadium for a little bit. There were 40,000 people there! She decided to ignore people calling her on the radio and took me for a little walk. Then she started swearing again because she forgot her camera. It seemed a bit strange that they were playing baseball while it was snowing! So many people in one place! So many empty beer bottles everywhere.

Sadly though we ran into someone who told Amanda to check her radio as someone had been calling for a while so it was back up to the office for me and back to work for her.

She was in a much better mood after it was all over and we were in her car. She told me how the policeman almost fell when his horse reared up when the Air Force planes flew by and did their traditional opening day salute. I wondered what that noise was! I don't blame that horse for freaking uot1 Once he got back on all four hooves Amanda grabbed his reigns until the policeman pulled himself together. Both horses were still a little jumpy so she showed them to a less crowded area to walk in until the younger newer horse calmed down. She walked and talked with them for a little while and sounded disappointed when they told her the "Clydesdale Cop" wasn't there for some reason. I don't think she was really talking about the horse.

We need to get to bed - have to get up early for a LIVE SHOW tomorrow! Can't wait! It sounds like fun! Ill get to meet so many other horses. 


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