Page 38



     Morning came and we once again headed to the horse park. I was ready! When we got in I met Pal O Mine and had to have my picture with....... him......her....... er.... it?. 

Once again we walked around the main building checking out all the goodies for sale. Mom wanted to get me something for my trip. She had noticed I was starting to show some wear and tear form all the traveling and saw just the thing to fix the problem. They are called 'Pony Pouches' are are comfy pouches to protect delicate finishes like mine. As Mom was trying out the different sizes to see which one would work best for me the lady selling them, Lori, noticed. 

"Is that Castaway?"  she asked. "Yes it is." Mom said.  Lori was so happy to see me she actually donated a Pony Pouch to be my very own. It was so soft and snuggly inside. Thanks Lori! 

We then went and met a couple of the performers. There were spotted mules big and small.


Then we walked for a little while. What is that? I had to shake my head and rub my eyes. I was seeing things! Black unicorns and Fairies to be precise! No wait, I wasn't seeing things, there really were unicorns and fairies! I had to have my picture with them! 



Now I have seen it all! Naked rats and fairies riding black unicorns!

That night was the night my new host would be revealed. I really didn't want to leave Mom, Andrea and Dad but I also didn't want to quit traveling. The drawing was held in the lobby and you had to be present to win. Well the first name drawn wasn't there so a second name was picked. 

She was present and happily took me into her arms. Mom was sad to see me go but tried to hide it. I knew better! I would miss her too. My new host followed Mom and Andrea back to the room to get her information. Now it's onward to Indiana with my new host!


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