Page 9

New York


Then Jenn took me to see Macys and we stood right on the street where the famous Macys Thanksgiving day parade runs. Look at that cabdriver staring at me. "You loowkin at me buddy?" Ha! I love NY!        

10.3.01 Another day we battle the subway crowds, or as Jenn puts it, "the rat race." We found out that the President of the United States was visiting NYC! I wanted to meet him so badly or at least see him and take photos so Jenn called her friend Sylvia who works in the financial district. (that's where the president was visiting) and tried to arrange a visit but security was terribly tight and even Sylvia couldn't get to see him. I was a bit bummed as those types of opportunities: don't come along often. But I will get to meet Sylvia on Friday! She is a model horse collector too! She cant wait to meet me. I can't wait to meet her as well. I hear she has some gorgeous mares. So, instead of seeing the president we decided to visit one of the most famous places today, Times Square. That's where they drop the famous "new year ball" every December. 

 We only had a limited amount of time and tried very hard to get to our destination by train but the stupid train took over 1/2 hour to come. I started to get antsy and snorty. I wanted that train to come right there and then and see Times Square, but it didn't come. We only had I hour to see the sights as Jenn was taking me on her lunch break. barn those trains. Jenn started laughing at me as I was starting to show signs of a true New Yorker. Impatience! She said the next step was being able to sleep on the trains and not miss your stop. I told her the truest sign was wearing that American flag and that I secretly longed for one. She just smiled and told me to be patient, we will have you wearing a f lag in no time. 

The train never came in time so we had to go window shopping instead. I was disappointed but Jenn reminded me that shopping was apart of visiting places too. "Don't forget to get something nice for your mommy." 

Yes, I guess with all the fun I almost forgot about my mommy.

When we got home after work (which is terribly boring and long. I'm glad I'm not a human....bleck!) I ran to the stables to share my day with everyone. We all ate together and played games. Osla was looking particularly pretty and I asked her to take a picture with me for my journal. She blushed and kept telling me, "no" but then gave into my pleadings.       


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