Llovely Llady


Offered at the Breyerfest 2003 auction was this wonderful test run Llanarth.


I signed Castaway up to bid to try and get his younger "brother". I did have to sign as his guardian since he is only eight.

We watched as the first few horses went for less than $1000 and felt good. Maybe we could get the Llan for a decent price. Finally, Stephanie picked up the Llanarth and handed him to the auctioneer. I have to add in here that this was not our usual auctioneer and it would soon become clear that he had no idea just how….. um… er….. eccentric some plastic heads can get.
     As the bidding started Castaway, bidder number in hoof, proudly placed his bid. The bidding went fast and furious up to  our maximum amount and I had to tell Castaway that he could not bid anymore. Downtrodden he balked. He wanted his little brother and that was that! 

     The auctioneer waited, somewhat patiently, as I signaled that I needed a moment to talk with Castaway. I think his, the auctioneers, jaw dropped to the floor as Castaway and I had a heated discussion about finances. The other bidder at the back of the room was about to get the Llanarth  and Castaway would have none of it. That is when my wonderful, loving husband whom I love for all the world, leaned over and spoke these two magic words…… GO AHEAD.

     Well Castaway needed no urging and, rearing up, he placed the final bid! SOLD!!!!!! The Llanarth was ours! Whew what a rush! The crowd went nuts as it was announced that the Llanarth was fittingly purchased by the Castaway Cob 

It wasn't until later that night as we admired the beautiful dappling and subtle shading that a friend noticed something was quite different about this particular Llanarth. It was a mare! That's right, the only factory Llanarth mare in existence. Castaway had found his soul mate. Looking back, I'm sure that Castaway had known all along. He was just too adamant about getting this model but the little bugger had kept his muzzle shut about the reason why. The real irony was that his new host family from Missouri picked him up right afterwards and he didn't even get to spend one night with his new herd member! Poor Castaway.

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